Climate in Telangana Andhra pradesh Hyderabad on 22 April 2024 Summer season warmth waves updates newest information right here | Climate Newest Replace: Thunder, lightning and gusty winds right here as we speak

Climate Newest Information: Yesterday’s Droni / Gali Disturbance as we speak from South Chhattisgarh to South Kerala by a circulation centered at Vidarbha, Marathwada – Inside Karnataka 0.9 km above imply sea stage. m. Officers of Hyderabad Meteorological Middle mentioned that it’s persevering with to rise. Mild to scattered rains are probably in some districts…

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Climate in Telangana Andhra pradesh Hyderabad on 17 April 2024 Summer season warmth waves updates newest information right here | Climate Newest Replace: Temperatures crossing 40 levels, larger quickly

Climate Newest Information: Hyderabad Meteorological Middle officers mentioned that low stage winds are blowing from south and south-east path in Telangana state. At the moment, tomorrow, dry climate is prone to happen in Ellundi state, he mentioned. He mentioned that for two days from right now, the utmost temperature in some districts of Telangana state…

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Climate in Telangana Andhra pradesh Hyderabad on 16 April 2024 Summer time warmth waves updates newest information right here | Climate Newest Replace: The warmth will rise once more from right now, 2 to three levels extra

Climate Newest Information: The officers of Hyderabad Meteorological Middle mentioned that low degree winds are blowing from south-east course in Telangana state. In the present day, tomorrow, dry climate is more likely to happen in Ellundi state, he mentioned. He mentioned that for 3 days from right now, the utmost temperature in some districts of…

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Climate in Telangana Andhra pradesh Hyderabad on 13 April 2024 Summer time warmth waves updates newest information right here | Climate Newest Replace: Rains in Telangana right this moment too, heavy winds in these districts

Climate Newest Information: Droni/Wind Disturbance is 1.5 km above imply sea stage from the floor circulation at Saurashtra Kutch throughout Central Maharashtra, North Inside Karnataka to South Inside Karnataka. m. Officers of Hyderabad Meteorological Heart stated that it’s persevering with to rise. 1.5 km above the imply sea stage in Marathwada and surrounding Madhya Maharashtra…

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Climate in Telangana Andhra pradesh Hyderabad on 12 April 2024 Summer season warmth waves updates newest information right here

Climate Newest Information: Yesterday’s Droni/wind disturbance is centered far-off from Telangana state at present, Hyderabad Meteorological Heart officers stated. Interval one is 1.5 km above imply sea stage in Marathwada and surrounding central Maharashtra areas. It’s stated that it’s concentrated in your peak. Officers stated that low-level winds are blowing from south and southeast course…

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Climate in Telangana Andhra pradesh Hyderabad on 11 April 2024 Summer season warmth waves updates newest information right here | Climate Newest Replace: Rain, gusty winds in Telangana

Climate Newest Information: Yesterday’s Droni / Gali Disturbance at this time is 1.5 km above the imply sea stage from a circulation centered over Southeast Rajasthan throughout Central Maharashtra and South Konkan to northern elements of Coastal Karnataka. m. Officers of Hyderabad Meteorological Heart stated that it’s persevering with to rise. Officers stated that low-level…

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Climate in Telangana Andhrapradesh Hyderabad on 7 April 2024 Summer time updates newest information right here | Climate Newest Replace: Heavy hail and rain in some locations right now in these districts

Climate Newest Information: Hyderabad Meteorological Heart officers stated that low-level winds are blowing from south and south-west path in Telangana state right now. Dry climate is more likely to happen in Telangana state right now. Tomorrow, mild to scattered rains are more likely to happen in some districts of Ellundi state. Warmth Waves in Telangana…

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Climate in Telangana Andhrapradesh Hyderabad on 14 March 2024 Summer time updates newest information right here

Climate Newest Information: Yesterday’s trough over north Chhattisgarh Vidarbha, Telangana to north inside Karnataka, at this time from inside Odisha to south Chhattisgarh, Telangana, Karnataka to east central Arabian Sea at 0.9 km above imply sea degree. m. Officers of Hyderabad Meteorological Heart mentioned that it’ll proceed to rise. Officers mentioned that low degree winds…

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Climate in Telangana Andhrapradesh Hyderabad on 13 March 2024 Summer season updates newest information right here | Climate Newest Replace: Periodical over Telangana, likelihood of sunshine rains in AP

Climate Newest Information: Droni one over north Chhattisgarh Vidarbha, Telangana north inside Karnataka 0.9 km above imply sea degree. m. Officers of Hyderabad Meteorological Heart stated that it’s going to proceed to rise. Officers stated that low degree winds are blowing in the direction of Telangana state from south and southwest path immediately. Resulting from…

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Climate in Telangana Andhrapradesh Hyderabad on 10 March 2024 Summer time updates newest information right here | Climate Newest Replace: Rains in these components of AP at present – Droni over Telangana

Climate Newest Information: Hyderabad Meteorological Heart officers stated that low degree winds are blowing in the direction of Telangana state from east/southeast path at present. Resulting from this impact, dry climate is prone to happen in Ellundi Telangana state at present, tomorrow. No warnings have been issued. Hyderabad Climate: Hyderabad climateThe sky will probably be…

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